Summer is the perfect time to take a step back, see things from a distance and consider future decisions. Disconnect, they say? For me, never completely. The little song of continuous improvement, of listening to what’s going well and what’s not, never completely switches off. I’ve tried two approaches to dealing with it. The first is to ignore it, and then it turns into anxiety. The second is to listen to it and turn it into action. That’s what I did this summer.
The climate fresc. Climate Fresk. Before the summer, I had taken part in this great movement of education and awareness. I was enthusiastic about many aspects of the process. Apparently I’m not the only one, with over a million people taking part. This time I decided to become a player and went through the steps to become a facilitator. It’s an excellent tool for individuals and businesses to get the teams started on climate change. Simple, participative and educational, its success is no accident. For damtower customers, it’s a first step towards business transformation.
SDG Game 2030. 2030 SDGs GAME This time we’re heading for Japan, where this interactive workshop was created. It is much more wide-ranging, covering the three aspects of sustainable development: People, Planet, Profit. It puts everyone in a position to act on the 17 goals defined by the Global Compact. Once again, I was seduced by the methodology. It encourages reflection and commitment. It is perfectly in line with damtower’s ambitions and acts as a trigger, an emulator and a facilitator for producing solutions.
In addition to the 7 weddings I took part in this summer and the great weather, I’m very proud to now be able to offer these two approaches. The music of continuous improvement has, for a while, lost its intensity.
See you soon for new exciting experiences together.
Benoit Montet COO