
A vision that guides our mission


In trade and economy, more than ever, failure to adapt, will inevitably leads to extinction.

 A brief history:     

In the 1960s, investors began to look at socially responsible investments, excluding entire sectors from their portfolios, such as tobacco production or involvement in the South African apartheid regime.    

In 2000, to combat the indignity of poverty, a United Nations conference launched a global effort with the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).  

In 2015The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for 2030 were born at the UN Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro. Gradually, a consensus has been established around extra-financial reporting criteria. Socially responsible investors use Environmental, social, and governance (ESG)  criteria to select potential investments.  

In 2020, the European Commission presented a series of legislative proposals to make its policies fit for the 2030 net greenhouse gas emissions reduction target set out in the 2030 climate target plan and enshrined in EU law.

In 2021, the Commission adopts the  Fit for 55 legislative proposals covering a wide range of policy areas, including climate, energy, transport and taxation, and setting out the means by which the Commission will achieve its updated 2030 target in real terms.   

The aim is now to contribute to the EU's climate neutrality target by 2050, set out in the European Green Deal 'European Green Deal'.    

The objectives are to stimulate the creation of green jobs, maintain the EU's record of greenhouse gas emission reductions, economic growth and ensure that the transition is fair and leaves no one behind.  



Elsewhere in the world, other regulations will raise, that will profoundly change world trade, the way business is done and the whole production process.

damtower and its founders' mission is not to reinvent laws or interpret regulations,

but to share them with as many people as possible and to use them as a visible and measurable development tool for all.

Benoit Montet has been involved in sustainable human development for 30 years. He has a dual skill set as a recognised expert and a successful business developer. Benoit has been working in this field for 30 years, and is in certification recognised as a global expert both in certification and recognition, working for ISO and Top-Employers. The damtower project requires an excellent knowledge of several technical subjects: Certification, ESG, SDG, employee engagement, communication and employer Brand, workshop organisation, but also Digital and data analysis. Benoit has been doing this for the last 10 years. He is also a technology and innovation junkie.

Advisory Board

Sabine Roux de Bézieux has helped us underway, to improve the quality of our label and to gain a better understanding of our market.
The founder of the “Fondation de la mer”, an organisation which contributes to the study and protection of the Ocean. It supports numerous initiatives and develops its own programs: protection of biodiversity, the fight against pollution, support for research, education and awareness-raising, etc. Among those initiatives, they have launched a label called Ocean approved, which has inspired us.

Paul Montet is a 200% citizen, being 100% French and 100% Dutch. His first study topic has oriented him toward Water Management, in a country where 60% of the territory is under the sea level: the Netherlands. Thanks to an Honours program he has traveled in South-East Asia to study urban farming and seeds valorisation. After completing his Masters at ESCP between Paris and Berlin, he was appointed manager sustainable development for a major international company.

Jeremy Roffe-Vidal is Broad of several innovative HR Tech companies. He was Group HR Director at VimpelCom, Cap Gemini, Vice President Human Resources at Invensys (Schneider Electric) in London and in France, and Senior Vice President Human Resources at AlstomPower Systems based in Switzerland. He studied in Frankfurt and holds a degree in Psychology.

Strategic Partners

FairChange helps your purpose-driven business grow its positive impact (fairchangeimpact.com)

Do-good businesses are feel-good businesses.Combining profits and purpose makes you feel proud as a business leader and as an entrepreneur. Knowing your company makes a positive contribution to the world, not just to your bank account, gets you up in the morning. It keeps you going even when things get tough. It makes your team rally around a higher goal, giving their best to your company and your cause.

And guess what? Purpose-driven businesses are future-proof businesses.Because consumers around the globe are turning away from profit-only companies. Investors are looking to put their money where positive change is created. Workers prefer employers who contribute to society beyond making money. And the world needs companies to join forces for a healthy, happy and prosperous future for everyone, everywhere.

Logo Go Blossom Blanc (1)

Go Blossom - Dynamisez la gestion RH de votre entreprise

GO BLOSSOM s’adresse à votre essentiel RH, pour développer votre entreprise. A vos côtés, nous incarnons la fonction RH agile dont vous avez besoin et mettons notre expertise à votre service.

De la stratégie au déploiement opérationnel, l’ambition partagée entre vous & nous consiste à trouver les réponses à vos perspectives de développement en utilisant l’humain comme une source d’accélération de croissance.

Nos valeurs essentielles :

  • Connaissance : Etre curieux, regarder le coeur de votre entreprise, de votre business
  • Horizon : Penser long terme, être stratégique
  • Bon sens : Être concret, pragmatique et agile
  • Écoute : Comprendre les différents sens, les sensations (émotions, ressenti) et capacité à les analyser

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